Parish statement on Domestic Abuse

Policy for Responding to Domestic Abuse

All forms of domestic abuse are wrong and must stop. We are committed to promoting and supporting safer environments which:

· ensure that all people feel welcomed, respected and safe from abuse;

· work to protect those experiencing domestic abuse;

· recognise equality amongst people and within relationships;

· refuse to condone any form of abuse;

· enable and encourage concerns to be raised and responded to openly and consistently.

We recognise that:

· all forms of domestic abuse cause damage to the survivor and express an imbalance of power in the relationship;

· all survivors (regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual· orientation or identity) have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse;

· domestic abuse can occur in all communities;

· domestic abuse may be a single incident, but is usually a systematic repeated pattern which escalates in severity and frequency;

· domestic abuse, if witnessed or overheard by a child, is a form of abuse by the perpetrator of the abusive behaviour;

· working in partnership with children, adults and other agencies is essential in promoting· the welfare of any child or adult suffering abuse.

We will endevour to respond to domestic abuse by:

In all our activities –

· valuing, listening to and respecting both survivors and alleged or known perpetrators of domestic abuse, · In our publicity –

· raising awareness about other agencies, support services, resources and expertise, through providing information in public and women-only areas of relevance to survivors, children and alleged or known perpetrators of domestic abuse.

When concerns are raised –

· ensuring that those who have experienced abuse can find safety and informed help;

· working with the appropriate statutory bodies during an investigation into domestic· abuse, including when allegations are made against a member of the church community.

In our care by –

· ensuring that informed and appropriate pastoral care is offered to any child, young person or adult who has suffered abuse;

· identifying and outlining the appropriate relationship of those with pastoral care responsibilities with both survivors and alleged or known perpetrators of domestic abuse.

If you have any concerns or need to talk to anyone please contact

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser

Joanna Van Lachterop
Joanna works full-time for the diocese. If she is unavailable and you believe a child may be at immediate risk, you must contact Cumbria Children's Services using the 24 hour number (0333 240 1727) or the police.

T: 07458 016884

Urgent concerns about vulnerable adults should be referred to your local District Adult Social Care office (details available on the Cumbria County Council website) or the Emergency Duty Team: 01228 526690 out of normal office hours.

New contact details for the Early Help Team and Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

From Monday 6 January 2020 the contact numbers for the Early Help Team and LADO will be changing.

You will no longer need to call the Safeguarding Hub to speak to a member of the Early Help Team or LADO service.

New contact details for the Early Help Team Telephone: 03003 033896 Email: New contact details for LADO Telephone: 03003 033892 Email:

In line with the changes to LADO and Early Help phone lines, from 6 January 2020 the Safeguarding Hub phone options will change as follows: ·

Option 1: for professionals with an immediate child protection concern (when it is believed that Section 47 threshold has been met and the child requires a response from Social Care today – please refer to the Multi Agency Threshold Guidance)

Option 2: if you are returning a call to a member of staff from the Safeguarding Hub

Option 3: If you are calling regarding a child or young person who already has an allocated Social Worker (you will then have a choice of district team to be transferred to) · Option 4: for any other safeguarding enquiry There will still be a facility for you to leave a message if all our lines are busy and please note that they will aim to return your call within 30 minutes.