Lent - a time for reflection


Ash Wednesday (March 5th) marks the beginning of Lent, a season remembering Jesus Christ’s time spent in the wilderness as he contemplated the future direction of his life and ministry. What is your life, your purpose, perhaps your place in God’s world. What does your future hold….is it one of hope or uncertainty, eagerness or despair? In the few weeks leading up to Easter Day when Christians celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection, can be for us and you too, a time to reflect on the place you are in in your life now and the direction you’re going.

Let’s meet together on Wednesday evenings from March 12th, 19th, 26th Mar, 2nd, and 16th April (or however often you can manage) at 19.00hrs in Robin Hood View Cottage, Winskill, Peter and Hazel Bowes’ home for friendship, reflection and refreshments.

You’ll be more than welcome! Just come!