We'd love to hear from you

For general queries,  maintenance work etc. contact our churchwardens: Neil Kennedy (01768 898431) or Neil Barrett (01768 870785).  They will also direct you to the appropriate clergy if necessary.

If you wish to email, it is best to email Neil Kennedy direct on: [email protected]  or Neil Barrett on: [email protected] 

The 'contact us' box below will forward an email from the 'A church near you' website to Neil Kennedy, and this may take longer to respond to.

To ask about baptisms, weddings and funerals, or pastoral matters: whilst we are looking for a replacement vicar contact: Neil Kennedy 01768 898431 or Neil Barrett 01768 870785

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Neil Kennedy / Neil Barrett

Lynwood, Lazonby, Penrith. CA10 1AT
Or: 29, Meadow Close, Lazonby, Penrith. CA10 1BF

Neil Kennedy, Churchwarden
(01768) 898431
Neil Barrett, Churchwarden
01768 870785