Facilities and features


Only open during services

Accessible Toilet
Hearing (induction) Loop

Our Building

Open for individual prayer

The William Whitelaw (buried in the graveyard) window is the latest edition of the church.

Started in 2023, the Eco Church run by a small group of interested parishioners is transforming the church and graveyard areas. In 2023 a flora and fauna survey will be conducted in June and later in the year the re-wilding of areas will take place.

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Please contact us if you would like to ring the bells!

Book of Common Prayer Services

Groups, Courses and Activities

Held in Stainton Village.

Held with Graystoke, the next course will be in the Autumn, please do contact us for further information.

Help for Visitors

Group Tours can be arranged, please do contact us.

Guidebooks / Notes

Monday to Saturday 09:00 to 17:00.
Sundays, as per the services.

Other Features

Under construction