Our Windows need £500,000!St Mary's is the Parish Church of the town of Wigton in Cumbria. A recent five yearly survey has found that many of our windows need repairing and restoring. All of the upstairs plain glass leaded windows are in the worst state of repair, but also many of our stained glass windows in the downstairs of the church as well. We also need to re-insulate the roof space of the church to help our Carbon Footprint.The church is home to three locally designed stained glass windows from Lord Bragg of Wigton and one window that is a 1926 William Morris.We have raided the church's reserves and had various fundraising events and at the time of setting up this page have just over £157,000. (as at 7/3/25) This page will be just part of our fundraising.....If you can help us with a donation we would really appreciate it and if you can gift aid that as well even better. Please click this link to donate...... https://wonderful.org/fundraisers/7Qe3m Thank you so much for your support of St Marys we really appreciate your help in securing this beautiful church for the future.God BlessReverend RichardPriest in Charge
Details of our service...Reverend Richard Writes........a challenge is ahead!Looking to book a baptism or wedding?Church attendance in December 2024!