*Annual Parochial Church Meeting

for 1 hour, 45 mins
Burgh by Sands Village Hall
Burgh by Sands Village Hall, Burgh by Sands, CA56AN, United Kingdom

What’s God up to through my Parish Church?
For everyone in and interested in our Parishes - as we look back in thankfulness and prayerfully look forward with hope. The meeting will be held in the Village Hall with an option to join by Zoom - please contact Tudor for further details.

St Michael

A warm welcome awaits you at our 12th Century Church situated on Hadrians Wall. We seek to love God and our neighbours through our worship and witness. We hold a variety of services to suit all and we would love you to come and visit us. If you would like to find out more, please get in touch with us. 

Get in touch

Our Church is currently in vacancy

What's on

*Annual Parochial Church Meeting

for 1 hour, 45 mins
Burgh by Sands Village Hall
Burgh by Sands Village Hall, Burgh by Sands, CA56AN, United Kingdom

What’s God up to through my Parish Church?
For everyone in and interested in our Parishes - as we look back in thankfulness and prayerfully look forward with hope. The meeting will be held in the Village Hall with an option to join by Zoom - please contact Tudor for further details.

Everyday faith

Discover how we can support you to find and follow God in your everyday life.