Interim priest in charge
In vacancy
Nicholforest parish church warden
Elizabeth Beattie
Pcc secretary
Carole Somerville
Helen Storey
01228 577068
Carol Nairn
01228 577392
Deputy church warden
Reader in Esk parishes
Melvyn Redgers OBE
E mail [email protected]
Paul Smith [email protected]
David Greybe e mail:
Charles Dunn E mail [email protected]
Jane Rutherford (collaborative lay reader )
Val Tyler (children's collaborative lay reader)
Baptism preparation and follow up
Angela Robinson
Charles Dunn
Graham Brownlee
Tim Pickstone
Church rota's
Margaret Robb
Bible Study
Paul Smith. E mail [email protected]
Angela Robinson 01228 791495
Sally Ewart 013873 70230
Anna Robinson 01228 791381
Parishes Ecumenical Officer
Jill Richardson 01228 792 151
Magazine Editor
Dr Rowan Bowman
e- mail [email protected]
Parish magazine adverts
Christine Batey 01228 791348
Esk parishes safeguarding Officer
The Esk parishes have a policy in place to safeguard children and vulnerable adults as required by Carlisle diocese
Katie Johnstone
079320 07775 or e mail
Ruth Casson
Charles Dunn (Vice-Chair)
Tim Pickstone
Margaret Robb
Anna Robinson
Paul Smith
Carole Somerville
Helen Storey
Fiona Wilkinson
Robert Wilkinson
Ex -officio Members
Elizabeth Beattie