Who's Who at Nicholforest

Interim priest in charge

In vacancy

Nicholforest parish church warden

Elizabeth Beattie


[email protected]

Pcc secretary

Carole Somerville

[email protected]


Helen Storey


Elizabeth Beattie

01228 577068

Carol Nairn

01228 577392

Deputy church warden

Reader in Esk parishes

Melvyn Redgers OBE


E mail [email protected]

Lay leaders in worship

Paul Smith [email protected]

David Greybe e mail: david@@greybeoliveoil.com

Charles Dunn E mail [email protected]

Jane Rutherford (collaborative lay reader )

Val Tyler (children's collaborative lay reader)

Baptism preparation and follow up

Angela Robinson



Charles Dunn

Graham Brownlee

Tim Pickstone

Church rota's

Margaret Robb

Bible Study

Paul Smith. E mail [email protected]


Angela Robinson 01228 791495

Sally Ewart 013873 70230

Anna Robinson 01228 791381

Parishes Ecumenical Officer

Jill Richardson 01228 792 151

Magazine Editor

Dr Rowan Bowman

e- mail [email protected]

Parish magazine adverts

Christine Batey 01228 791348

Esk parishes safeguarding Officer

The Esk parishes have a policy in place to safeguard children and vulnerable adults as required by Carlisle diocese

Katie Johnstone

079320 07775 or e mail

[email protected]

Elected Pcc Members

Ruth Casson

Charles Dunn (Vice-Chair)

Tim Pickstone

Margaret Robb

Anna Robinson

Paul Smith

Carole Somerville

Helen Storey

Fiona Wilkinson

Robert Wilkinson

Ex -officio Members

Elizabeth Beattie