New Year Resolutions

Have you thought about your New Year’s Resolutions? Here are some New Year’s resolution ideas on spiritual growth, service, and living out faith:

Spiritual Growth

Commit to Daily Scripture Reading

Set aside time each day to read and reflect on God’s Word, using a structured plan like reading through the Bible in a year or focusing on specific books or themes. (I am hoping to be able to post every day as I work through the bible and invite you to join me here, as I do.)

Deepen Your Prayer Life

Make prayer a daily priority by setting aside dedicated time, using a prayer journal, or incorporating different forms of prayer, such as thankfulness and listening prayer.

Get involved in Church activities

Join your church community in worship and fellowship. Not everyone can attend church every week. We have a lot going on in our lives and if you're like me, weekends are the only time I get to see family with everyone working or at school during the week. As it is, God’s presence is not confined to the interior of a church building. “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit resides among you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17 NIV) Indeed, the Holy Spirit resides within each of us. It is possible to cultivate a relationship with God that transcends the physical boundaries of the church, extending beyond structured moments of worship and into our daily lives. When you do have time, consider becoming more involved in church activities or the small groups we hope to set up over the year ahead.

Relationships and Personal Growth

Strengthen Family Relationships

Make time for your family and actively nurture love and understanding within your home

Forgive and Reconcile

Seek to mend broken relationships by extending forgiveness and working toward peace where possible

Practice Gratitude Daily

Keep a journal of blessings and thank God each day for His faithfulness and provision

Focus on Acts of Kindness

Make it a goal to perform small, consistent acts of kindness for others, reflecting Christ’s love.