Facilities and features


Please park on the roadside in front of church leaving space for cars to pass. There is an overspill carpark at Kingfield.

As above.

Defibrillator can be found 500 yards away at Village Hall.

Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop

BCP Prayer books

Assistance Dogs
Dementia Aware / Accessible
Gluten-free refreshments
Wheelchair access

Our Building

This beautiful stone building is illuminated by numerous stained glass windows. Visitors can admire numerous stained glass windows created by John Scott & Son, including a stunning five-light East window portraying Christ the Good Shepherd surrounded by the four Evangelists.

Warm Space
Changing place space

Grade II Listed Building in excellent state of repair.

Music and Worship

Bell Ringing
Concerts / Live Music

Used at every service. We are a traditional Book of Common Prayer church.

Groups, Courses and Activities

We arrange and take part in regular community events and fund-raisers throughout the year.
i.e. Harvest Festival. Christmas. Lamb services (with teas). Mothers Day every year is always a big event. Church Choir. Classical Music Recital. All free of charge.

Wardens and Clergy home visit.

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks about the Church and its area can be found in the Church.
We also have available a book written on the church and the religious and social history of Nicholforest. This can be obtained through the Church or on Amazon: St. Nicholas' Church, Nicholforest and the Debatable Lands: A Religious and Social History.
We also have large print Book of Common Prayers for sale.

Dog friendly

Other Features

Prayers of Love and Faith