Sunday Service

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Cuthbert
Chapelburn near Low Row Brampton, CA8 2LY, United Kingdom

Services are currently every 1st & 3rd Sunday's at 9.30am - except 5th Sunday where there is a United Benefice Service. Carol Service is at 2pm.

St Cuthbert

St Cuthbert's church, Nether Denton, is located at Chapelburn, near Low Row, Brampton, Cumbria.  Regular services are usually held on the first and third Sundays in each month.   All are welcome to attend the services - a warm welcome awaits.

Get in touch

Amanda Nixon or Allan Cathers

079689 83664
07534 198051
What's on

Sunday Service

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Cuthbert
Chapelburn near Low Row Brampton, CA8 2LY, United Kingdom

Services are currently every 1st & 3rd Sunday's at 9.30am - except 5th Sunday where there is a United Benefice Service. Carol Service is at 2pm.


Amanda Nixon - Parish Safeguarding Officer - 079689 83664
or Revd Angela Hughes - 016977 2478.
Joanna Van Lachterop - Joanna works full-time for the diocese and is available Monday to Friday. If you have a safeguarding concern about an adult or child, please contact Joanna for advice and guidance. The Diocesan Safeguarding Team must also be informed straight away of any safeguarding concerns involving a church officer. A church officer is anyone appointed/elected by, or on behalf of, the Church to a post or role whether they are ordained or lay, paid or unpaid. Joanna is also happy to answer questions, and provide advice, relating to safeguarding policies and procedures.
T: 07458 016884
E: [email protected]

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