Hayton Women's Institute (WI)

Is Hayton WI for you?

Hayton WI currently has 52 members and welcomes not only new members but also visitors to individual meetings. Once a month, on the second Tuesday at 7pm, members meet in the Reading Room at Hayton for a talk or an activity together. After this, there is always food and tea or coffee.

We are an active group. We have trips out to places of interest and sometimes go to the theatre; there are two walks a month, regular swimming groups and sometimes we meet for meals out. There are invitations to other WI groups too.

The WI is the biggest national organisation for women in the country. It is non-religious and non-political and open to all women over the age of 18. Its roots lie in friendship and education, as the movement was founded in Canada to combat rural isolation and to help women on lonely farms understand health issues.

Nowadays, whilst retaining those core principles, it is also widely associated with practical community activities. We serve tea for the school, Church fete and Hayton Community Project. We also do litter picks locally and mark World Kindness Day.

There is a campaigning aspect too. Each year resolutions from the branches are voted on and those selected are promoted nationally. This year’s resolution is about cleaning up our rivers.

Most of all though, the WI is about friendship.

If you want to join us, please contact me at [email protected]

Mary Skelley


Hayton WI