Who's who at Arthuret

Interim Priest in Charge 

In vacancy

Arthuret Parish Church Wardens

Joanna Carlyle                 01228 792276         email: [email protected]

Jennifer Whyberd            07801 834139         email: [email protected]

Katie Johnstone                07775079320         email: [email protected]

Davina Halliday

 PCC Secretary

Pam Illsley           

Verger and Deputy Church Warden

Angela Robinson             01228 791495

Reader in the Esk Parishes

Melvyn Redgers OBE      01461 337742           email: [email protected]

Lay Leaders in Worship

Alan Rice                            01461337530

David Greybe

Paul Smith

Jane Rutherford (collaborative lay leader with the Community Church)

Val Tyler (collaborative lay leader for children)

Baptism Preparation, Support and Follow up

Angela Robinson               01228 791495


Nancy Hewson

Church Rotas

Alan Rice                             01461337530

Bible Study

Paul Smith                          01387381254                email: [email protected]


Angela Robinson                01228 791495

Sally Ewart                           013873 70230

Anna Robinson                   01228 577381

Parishes Ecumenical Officer

Jill Richardson                     01228 792151

Magazine Editor

Rowan Bowman                                                        email: [email protected]

Parish Magazine Adverts

Christine Batey                  01228 791348

The Esk Parishes’ Safeguarding Officer

The Esk Parishes have in place a policy to safeguard children and vulnerable adults as required by Carlisle Diocese. The Safeguarding Officer is Katie Johnstone contact: 07775079320 or [email protected]

Elected PCC Members

David Greybe

Davina Halliday

Lynn Jackson

Katie Johnstone

Carole Maguire

Paul Smith

Ex-officio PCC Members

Joanna Carlyle

Revd. Alan Maguire

Melvyn Redgers

Jennifer Whyberd

Steve Whyberd 
