8th May - 11am at St Peter's, Asby - an ecumenical service
12th June - 10.30am at St Michael's, Kirkby Thore - a lay led service
10th July - 10.30am at St James's, Ormside -
[5th Sunday] 31st July - 10.45am at St Theobald's, Musgrave - outside service with picnic (weather permitting)
14th August - 3pm at St Cuthbert's, Dufton - family communion and baptism
11th September - 11am at St Peter's, Asby - a united service with the Rev Andrew Sterling
9th October - 11am at St Michael's, Kirkby Thore - the last in this series of services
Second Sunday in November is Remembrance; and in December, often local carol services.