8th May - 11am at St Peter's, Asby - an ecumenical service12th June - 10.30am at St Michael's, Kirkby Thore - a lay led service10th July - 10.30am at St James's, Ormside - [5th Sunday] 31st July - 10.45am at St Theobald's, Musgrave - outside service with picnic (weather permitting)14th August - 3pm at St Cuthbert's, Dufton - family communion and baptism11th September - 11am at St Peter's, Asby - a united service with the Rev Andrew Sterling9th October - 11am at St Michael's, Kirkby Thore - the last in this series of servicesSecond Sunday in November is Remembrance; and in December, often local carol services.
St. Cuthbert's church Milburn held a very sucessful fund raising event on Saturday 30th October despite the weather. It was an early Christmas fair, and £850 was raised for the building and maintenance of the church. What a marvellous effort from stall holders, organisers, buyers, sellers and anyone who helped in any way. Many people bought early christmas gifts, and all local and no air miles. A big thank you to all.
Do you like cake?! Can you help? a) could you make something scrummy to serve on Sunday at Fellside Flowers Open Day to raise much needed funds for Long Marton church? Please msg me or ring 07711 245820 and we’ll pop you on the list Or b) if you don’t bake, you are warmly invited to come along and eat cake (and enjoy the flowers!)