Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
Carlisle Cathedral
The Abbey Carlisle, CA3 8TZ, United Kingdom

Holy Communion is said every Sunday morning and is led by the traditional Book of Common Prayer.

Worship has taken place here for almost 900 years and our daily services continue to this day. Our services are free to attend and everyone is welcome.

The Cathedral Sung Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Carlisle Cathedral
The Abbey Carlisle, CA3 8TZ, United Kingdom

The Eucharist is celebrated daily and is an opportunity to deepen our communion with God and with one another. It is a chance for the congregation to share in the bread and wine of Communion.

This special Sunday Cathedral Eucharist service includes music sung by the Cathedral Choir, or by visiting guest choirs. For details of the choirs and the music being sung, please refer to the Music List available in person at the Cathedral, or online HERE.

Worship has taken place on this site for almost 900 years and daily services continue to this day. Our services are free to attend and everyone is welcome.

The Cathedral is open for visitors during this service.

Choral Evensong/Evening Prayer

Every Saturday and Sunday at for 30 mins
Carlisle Cathedral
The Abbey Carlisle, CA3 8TZ, United Kingdom

As the day draws to a close spend time with us in peace, contemplation and reflection. Daily evening prayer has been said here for over 900 years.

The Cathedral Choirs can be heard singing Evensong every Sunday at 3pm during term time. During school holidays, visiting choirs are often hosted. On Saturdays, Evening Prayer is Said.

Whether you come to be closer to God, to take some time out to breathe. No booking is required and there is no dress code and there is no entrance fee to join us.

Morning Prayer

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at for 20 mins
Carlisle Cathedral
Carlisle Cathedral, The Abbey Carlisle, CA3 8TZ, United Kingdom

Morning Prayer is the first service of the day, taking place when the Cathedral is at its most peaceful.

Usually held in one of the Cathedral's side chapels it is a small service led by prayer and lasting about 20 minutes. Ideal for those heading to work in the city centre or those who wish to start their day in prayer.

Worship has taken place here for over 900 years and continues to this day. Our services are free to attend and everyone is welcome.

Eucharist Service

Every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday at for 30 mins
Carlisle Cathedral
The Abbey Carlisle, CA3 8TZ, United Kingdom

The Eucharist is at the heart of Christian worship. It is celebrated by Christians around the world as a memorial of the death and resurrection of Jesus, in response to his words at the final meal he shared with his disciples, ‘Do this in remembrance of me.’ In the Eucharist, God invites us to his table as a foretaste of the heavenly banquet which he has prepared for people of all nations and cultures.
Outwardly, the Eucharist takes the form of a shared meal of bread and wine, recalling the fact that, at the Last Supper, Jesus associated the breaking of bread and sharing of wine with his own imminent death, giving them special significance.

At a celebration of the Eucharist, the community gathers, asks God’s forgiveness for its sins, listens to readings from the Bible including a reading from one of the Gospels. At this service we pray together and bread and wine are brought to the altar, the priest prays the Eucharistic Prayer, and everyone says the Lord’s Prayer together. The community then receives the consecrated bread and wine. At the end of the service, we are sent out into the world as a ‘living sacrifice’ to live and work to God’s praise and glory.

Choral Evensong/Evening Prayer

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at for 30 mins
Carlisle Cathedral
Carlisle Cathedral, The Abbey Carlisle, CA3 8TZ, United Kingdom

As the day draws to a close spend time with us in peace, contemplation and reflection. Daily evening prayer has been said here for over 900 years.

The Cathedral Choirs can be heard singing Evensong every weekday during term-time at 5.45pm. During school holidays, visiting choirs are often hosted.

Whether you come to be closer to God, to take some time out to breathe. No booking is required and there is no dress code and there is no entrance fee to join us.

Silent Prayer and the Offering of Incense

Every Tuesday at for 20 mins
Carlisle Cathedral
The Abbey Carlisle, CA3 8TZ, United Kingdom

Join us every Thursday for 20 minutes of stillness, followed by guided prayer and a short service with the Offering of Incense. This service is inspired by St Augustine, the founder of the way of life of the first canons in Carlisle over 900 years ago.

Find space and quietness to let your prayers rise to God.

Peace & Justice Eucharist

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
Carlisle Cathedral
The Abbey Carlisle, CA3 8TZ, United Kingdom

On Wednesdays the Eucharist lasts roughly 30 minutes and includes material from the Iona Community. Held at lunchtime, the service is popular with those who work in the city centre, or those in town for shopping and leisure.

The Eucharist is celebrated daily and is an opportunity to deepen our communion with God and with one another; it is a chance for the congregation to share in the bread and wine of Communion.

Worship has taken place on this site for almost 900 years and daily services continue to this day. Our services are free to attend and everyone is welcome.

The Cathedral is open for visitors during this service.

Morning Prayer

Every Saturday at for 20 mins
Carlisle Cathedral
Carlisle Cathedral, The Abbey Carlisle, CA3 8TZ, United Kingdom

Morning Prayer is the first service of the day, taking place when the Cathedral is at its most peaceful.

Usually held in one of the Cathedral's side chapels it is a small service led by prayer and lasting about 20 minutes. Ideal for those heading to work in the city centre or those who wish to start their day in prayer.

Worship has taken place here for over 900 years and continues to this day. Our services are free to attend and everyone is welcome.

Morning Prayer

Every Sunday at for 20 mins
Carlisle Cathedral
The Abbey Carlisle, CA3 8TZ, United Kingdom

Morning Prayer is the first service of the day, taking place when the Cathedral is at its most peaceful.

Usually held in one of the Cathedral's side chapels it is a small service led by prayer and lasting about 20 minutes. Ideal for those heading to work in the city centre or those who wish to start their day in prayer.

Worship has taken place here for over 900 years and continues to this day. Our services are free to attend and everyone is welcome.

Afternoon Recital: Julie Best and Jean Corrighan Accordion Duo.

for 1 hour
Carlisle Cathedral
The Abbey Carlisle, CA3 8TZ, United Kingdom

Our series of free Afternoon Recitals continues, we welcome Julie Best and Jean Corrighan Accordion Duo.

Entry to our afternoon concerts is free; there is a collection taken at the end of each concert - please give what you can to support the artists and the Cathedral.

Julie Best and Jean Corrighan met many years ago at The Ronmar School of Music in Carlisle and both achieved success as solo performers before forming a duo and becoming National Premier Duet Champions on 3 occasions.

They perform at many functions, events and Accordion Clubs playing a wide variety of music. Their repertoire includes popular, light classics, French, Italian, Scottish and many more to suit all tastes.

Afternoon Recital: 'Songs and instrumental music from 17th & 18th century England` and includes musi

for 1 hour
Carlisle Cathedral
The Abbey Carlisle, CA3 8TZ, United Kingdom

Our series of free Afternoon Recitals continues, we welcome Eden Baroque- Michael Sanderson baritone, baroque violin & viola and Katharine May harpsichord.

Entry to our afternoon concerts is free; there is a collection taken at the end of each concert - please give what you can to support the artists and the Cathedral.

Katharine and Michael established Eden Baroque shortly after moving to Cumbria in 2017 with the aim of bringing well-known and less performed baroque chamber music to as wide an audience as possible.

Organ Recital in Carlisle Cathedral by Edward Taylor

for 1 hour
Carlisle Cathedral
The Abbey Carlisle, CA3 8TZ, United Kingdom

We look forward to hearing Edward Taylor on Wednesday 27 November, at his next Organ Recital organised as part of the Free Live Music Series at Carlisle Cathedral.

This event is free to enter; there will be a retiring collection at the end of the concert - please give what you can to support the artist and the Cathedral.

About the artist:
Edward Taylor is currently Assistant Organist, and Director of the Cathedral Consort, at Carlisle Cathedral. He is also in demand as a concert organist and Choral conductor.

Edward holds a Bachelor of Music Degree from the University of Leeds and is an Associate of the Royal College of Organists. He has studied the organ with David Sanger, Simon Lindley and Henry Fairs and attended masterclasses with Naji Hakim, , David Briggs and Gillian Weir. Edward has also studied at the Strasbourg Conservatoire in France with Parisian, Christophe Mantoux.

Edwards main role at the cathedral is accompanying the cathedral choirs in their 7 weekly services but he has found time to develop a large repertoire of solo organ music spanning the centuries and the genres across the world. Edward has a large portfolio of recital venues including Westminster Abbey, Bridlington Priory, the town halls of Hull, Leeds and Rochdale and many cathedrals in the UK, Hardenburg Parish Church, Holland, and St Petrikirche in Germany. As director of the Cathedral Consort Edward has directed the choir on television and radio, has organised and led two successful international tours to France and Mallorca and directed the choir in their debut CD ‘God is gone up with a triumphant shout’ in collaboration with Borders Brass in 2014.

Edward is active as a choral conductor and specialises in choral workshops for children, youth choirs and ‘Come and Sing’ events for adult choirs. He has conducted many large-scale works with orchestra including Handel’s ‘Messiah, Haydn’s ‘Creation’ and J. S. Bach’s ‘St John Passion’ to name but a few. These have been in performance as Musical Director of the Penrith Singers and the Dumfries Choral. He has also recently taken over the directorship of the Solway Singers. Edward is the leader of the Cathedral’s Singing Out programme, which involves Primary Schools throughout Cumbria. He regularly hosts choral workshops for children, working with over 750 children each year. He also runs three primary school choirs across the county. In 2009 he co-founded the Carlisle Cathedral Children’s Choir, Carlisle Cantate, who perform secular music regularly in concert venues across Cumbria.

Edward has appeared on several CDs, accompanying the Girls’ Choir of Ely Cathedral on the CD Sing Reign of Fair Maid on the Regent label in 2008, the Leeds Liturgical Choir on the CD Vox Dei in 2006 and numerous CDs as a chorister of Ely Cathedral with Hyperion and Priory Records. Edward recorded his debut solo organ CD with Priory Records which was released in early 2017. Since December 2020, he also been recording live video of organ music for his You Tube channel @Edward Taylor Organist, of which there are about 220 to date.