LICENCING SERVICE of Fr John Ainslie as Priest-in-Charge

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Michael & All Angels'
Tonbridge Road Maidstone, ME16 8JS, United Kingdom

Licencing of Fr John Ainslie as Priest-in-Charge of this parish by The Right Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin Bishop of Dover in the presence of The Right Revend Norman Banks Bishop of Richborough and the Installation by the Venerable Andrew Sewell Archdeacon of Maidstone. The Preacher will be the Right Reverend Norman Banks Bishop of Richborough.

St Michael & All Angels'

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Fr John Ainslie

Fr John Ainslie (Priest-In-Charge)

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LICENCING SERVICE of Fr John Ainslie as Priest-in-Charge

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Michael & All Angels'
Tonbridge Road Maidstone, ME16 8JS, United Kingdom

Licencing of Fr John Ainslie as Priest-in-Charge of this parish by The Right Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin Bishop of Dover in the presence of The Right Revend Norman Banks Bishop of Richborough and the Installation by the Venerable Andrew Sewell Archdeacon of Maidstone. The Preacher will be the Right Reverend Norman Banks Bishop of Richborough.