St Martin's

Get in touch

Rev'd Joyce Addison - Priest

St Martin's Vicarage
Northumberland Road
ME15 7LP

ME15 7LP
01622 669351

Our website

What's on

Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Martin's
Northumberland Road Maidstone, ME15 7LP, United Kingdom

Sunday's Morning Holy Communion Service 10:00am
Zoom meeting ID: 856 888 392
Alternatively click on the link below.

This service takes place every Sunday at 10am and we use the modern Common Worship wording. We sing a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary worship songs. Most Sundays, there is a Sunday club for school-age children and on the fourth Sunday the Youth Group meet for breakfast, worship and prayer and join us again at the end of the service. There is also a creche for the under-fours. On the third Sunday of the month we include prayers for healing and wholeness and anointing is offered. Refreshments are provided after the service.