All Welcome for lent and Easter 20255 March Ash Wednesday 10 am Holy Communion and ashes 7pm Sung Eucharist and ashesMaundy Thursday 17 April 6.30pm Sung Eucharist (shared meal and watch until 10pm)Good Friday 18 April 10am Walk of Witness from St Michaels and Communion at Baptist Church 2pm Stations of the CrossHoly Saturday 6.30pm Vigil Service and first light of EasterEaster Day 6.30am Sunrise service at Bobbing Church 10.00 am Easter service at St Mcaels Church
This week we have a sermon from Bishop Rose, an update on Novena from Lay Minister Tracy, things to ponder from Revd Pam, Musical recommendations from Catherine and Nigel as well as something to make and do from Roxane.In the meantime if you or anyone you know could use some friendly support at this time, please call 07881 555580.We hope that wherever you are this weekend, you will have a blessed Pentecost Sunday, and feel refreshed by the Holy Spirit.Best wishes,Revd LesleyTeam Vicar