St Peter & St Paul

The church of Saint Peter & Saint Paul is situated just south of the village of Bilsington and is accessed via a farmyard opposite the Bilsington Monument, a 16m high obelisk erected in 1835 in memory of Sir William Cosway. Views from the church itself are beautiful, extending across the Royal Military Canal and Romney Marsh. 

The church is open all day for visiting and private prayer. Regular Communion Services are held on every second and fourth Sunday in the month @ 9am. These services follow the traditional Book of Common Prayer (BCP) format and are accompanied by sung hymns and an organ. We are a small, but welcoming community who would love you to come and visit us, and be part of our worship

Get in touch

Charlotte Kerr

01233 720878
Revd Geoff Abasolo-Munnery (Rector)
What's on

Lenten course - Meditatio

for 1 hour
St Peter & St Paul
Newchurch Road Bilsington, TN25 7LA, United Kingdom

Rector Geoff will be exploring different Christian ways of praying on Thursday evenings during Lent held in different churches across the Saxon Shoreline Benefice.

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The Revd Geoff Abasolo-Munnery was appointed in 2023 as the new Rector of Saxon Shoreline Benefice. He was inducted and installed as Rector by Rt Revd Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Bishop of Dover, on 25th April 2023 at St. Matthew's, Warehorne.
