Mid-Week Holy Communion

Every Thursday at for 45 mins
St. Mildred’s Church Hall
St. Mildred’s Church Hall, Church Road, Tenterden Kent, TN30 6AT, United Kingdom

This is a contemplative service with celebration of the Lord’s Supper using traditional language. This service has no hymns. This service takes place in the Lady Chapel.

Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St. Mildred’s Church Hall
St. Mildred’s Church Hall, Church Road, Tenterden, TN30 6AT, United Kingdom

This is a contemplative service with celebration of the Lord’s Supper using traditional language. This service has no hymns except on high and holy days. This service is live-streamed.

The Eucharist

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St. Mildred’s Church Hall
St. Mildred’s Church Hall, Church Road, Tenterden, TN30 6AT, United Kingdom

The Eucharist is a service of broad appeal incorporating a celebration of the Lord’s Supper. It uses contemporary language and includes hymns. This service is live-streamed.

Little Sparrows Baby and Toddler Group (Term-Time)

Every Monday at for 2 hours
St Mildred’s Church Hall
St Mildred’s Church Hall, Church Road, Tenterden, Kent,, TN30 7AT, United Kingdom

A friendly and welcoming group for babies, toddlers and their grown-ups!

Plenty of toys to play with, toilets and changing facilities available, story and song-time, a prepared craft each week and healthy snacks. Plus hot drinks and biscuits for adults. Free to attend. Free parking in the car park at the end of church road.

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TERM-TIME ONLY - breaks for Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays

All Ages Together Worship

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 45 mins
St. Mildred’s Church Hall
St. Mildred’s Church Hall, Church Road, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6AT, United Kingdom

This service is an opportunity to gather together in a more informal way compared with the Eucharistic services of other Sundays. We seek to creatively engage with messages and stories from the Bible and worship in ways accessible to all, young and young at heart. This service is live-streamed.