Daily Scripture:“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14 The Narrow and Wide Gates)Daily Reflection: There are many spiritual teachers who claim to know the way to “ Heaven”, a place of love, peace and joy for ever after. Amazon is full of books about how the spirit world can change your life, and how to be in tune with whatever is "out there". Jesus however, warns against being deceived by this. - He calls this deception the “broad gate” – it sounds good, it seems easy and it entices us in. Small, sitting in the back of a drawer, undisturbed in your house, is your ticket through the “narrow gate” - it is the Bible, the only book written that can 100% show you the way to Heaven, to Life! Be one of the few who finds it. If you don’t have a Bible, please email Revd David Commander (revdavidcommander@gmail.com) and ask him to show you the way to Life!Vicki Young
Daily Scripture:"God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, and makes me tread upon the heights." (Habakkuk 3:19)Daily Reflection: Habakkuk was a prophet in Judah (the southern kingdom) in 612 B.C.; at the time the Babylonians were assuming power, capturing and taking many of the Hebrew people into exile in a foreign land. These were very unsettled times for the people. Habakkuk questions God about why he allowed injustice to thrive, and why evil people prosper? Despite his questions, he knows – deep down – that God is sovereign; that God is his strength through the tough things of life. God is alive and in control; we cannot see all that God is doing nor all that He will do; but God will always do what is right. Knowing that should give us confidence and hope, today, in an unsettled and volatile world.And God’s answer to evil people prospering? They don’t……. not in the long run.Revd David
To join us on Sunday 7th June, Trinity Sunday, please copy and paste these links into your search engine.Service video (available from 8am Sunday): https://youtu.be/Hosc-fT9s34Service booklet: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Agkc8nXuU17kgvICA3mXRF_1kRb4kA?e=qzQAEW(pdf also attached)Readings: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Agkc8nXuU17kgvFYh0htt2YELExFGA?e=yDjTHd(pdf also attached)Zoom Virtual Coffee Morning, 10:45am:https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76440536120…(Meeting ID: 746 9637 3479 Password: 9ByWg3)