Reflection - Sunday 30th January and for the Week Ahead

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‘All things are lawful for me’, but not all things are beneficial. ‘All things are lawful for me’, but I will not be dominated by anything. ‘Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food’, and God will put an end to both. (1 Corinthians 6.12-20)


St Paul quotes what was being said two thousand years ago but is very much the way of today’s world – personal freedom to be and to do what we like. Yes, I accept that my society must have laws, and that there are moral laws, but am I not free to choose my own morality and my own way of life?

Yes, says Paul, we are free – Jewish followers of Jesus are free from all those rigid laws, such as kosher foods. They are freed from all those divisive categories, slave or free, man or woman, Greek or Jew (and the list has kept growing as we become aware of just how many ways we box people up). But your choices need to take into account whether they are ‘beneficial’.

When I make my choices or assert my freedom, how much do I consider the effect on others?

David Harmsworth