Daily Scripture & Reflection

From_the_Vicar Notices

Daily Scripture:

‘Now those who were scattered went from place to place, proclaiming the word’ (Acts 8 v 4)

Daily Reflection:

In our reading “those who were scattered” were not named - we do not know who they were individually, but they went out proclaiming the word, not knowing if their words would have any influence as they moved from place to place. We are not always aware of the time or place of the many influences that have shaped our lives, it is sometimes only after the event that we are able to discern this influence, if at all. And those who proclaim the word may not be aware themselves of the impact they may have had - a small word of encouragement, a kind gesture or act of kindness - to the giver it may be insignificant, but to the receiver it could change the way that they view their day or their life!!

Lyn Hayes, ALM