Daily Scripture & Reflection

From_the_Vicar Notices

Daily Scripture:

‘I called to the Lord who is worthy of praise and I have been saved from my enemies.’ Psalm 18 v 3

Daily Reflection:

Who or what is your “enemy” right now? Are you ill…? Lonely…? Unemployed…? Stressed…? Struggling financially…? If you are, this is not what God wants for you. It is your choice… do you continue to try to work your circumstances out yourself, or do you give them over to the One who is able to do so much more than you could ever think or imagine? God is waiting… waiting for you to call out to Him so that He can save you from whatever difficulty you are facing right now. Take your eyes off your circumstances, call out to Him, and expect Him to answer. It may not always be in the way you expect, but His word promises to save you, and save you He will.

Vicki Young

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