Daily Scripture & Reflection

From_the_Vicar Notices

Daily Scripture

“In your book were written all the days that were formed for me, when none of them as yet existed.” (Psalm 139 v16)

Daily Reflection

How well do you know yourself? Pretty well, you might say. But “pretty well” doesn’t come near to the way in which God knows you! Psalm 139 tells us that God knew you before you were conceived – what colour your eyes would be, how many hairs you would have on your head…. Imagine a God who, because he loved you so much, is interested in those tiny details about you. Not only that, but imagine a God who, because he loves you so much, has taken great care to know every detail of your life, down to the day that you will meet Him in person. God gives you free choice to live your life as you wish - to live unaware of His love for you, or to live in the centre of His love – the one who carries all your days in his heart.

Vicki Young