Daily Scripture:
“Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” (Luke 18:17)
Daily Reflection:
This is part of the story in Luke’s gospel where the disciples try to stop parents bringing their children to Jesus that he might bless them; instead Jesus stops his disciples from stopping the children! “It is to these that the kingdom of God belongs,” he says. Jesus valued the little children as being equal to anyone else. In rebuking/teaching his disciples he tells them that ‘whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it’. That must have shocked them! We too are to approach Jesus in the same way. So what was Jesus getting at? Well how about we approach Jesus with an attitude of openness and acceptance; and wonder; and trust. And at the same time be inquisitive; wanting to know more about God?
Revd David