Scripture & Reflection – Sunday 4th February. And for the week ahead:

Notices From_the_Vicar


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… In him was life and the life was the light of all.” (John 1.1,3)


At first, as a baby, we can only make things happen by making noise. That only works if we get attention. Already we are beginning to learn how to manipulate other people - and to experience what it is to be cared for or neglected, loved or not. When we learn to talk, we can begin to create our own world and express our own will.

John’s experience of Jesus led him to see that Jesus knew the absolute fundamental truths about the human spirit. Yes, the words that Jesus spoke were powerful, but, more than that, it was not just his words but his person, he was the Word. Here John could see in action what had before been a story about prehistory - “God said Let there be Light and it was so”. In Jesus he recognised God constantly creating a new world, breathing life and order into our chaos.

Words change things, change us, change those about us. Where can I find the right word?

David Harmsworth