10 am - Every Tuesday - Holy Communion at Sandhurst Mission Church

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
The Mission Church, Sandhurst (Kent)
The Mission Church, Sandhurst (Kent), Back Road Sandhurst, Kent TN18 5JU, TN18 5JU, United Kingdom

Our weekly service at the Mission Church, Back Road TN18 5JU. Everyone welcome. Coffee and fellowship after the service. Please join us!

Drop in Cafe & Toddler Group - Every Wednesday in Term time at Sandhurst Mission Church

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
The Mission Church, Sandhurst (Kent)
The Mission Church, Sandhurst (Kent), Back Road Sandhurst, Kent TN18 5JU, TN18 5JU, United Kingdom

Our baby and toddler group meets every Wednesday morning, during term time, in The Mission Church, Back Road, Sandhurst TN18 5JU. People are welcome to drop in any time between 9am and 11am. We ask for a small donation of £1 per family.

In return we offer a warm welcome, endless tea or coffee, biscuits, cake and squash. We provide a safe, carpeted space for children to play and a range of toys. We always round the session off with circle time and lots of action songs.

The session is run by members of St. Nicholas Church, Sandhurst. At special times in the year, Christmas, Easter, last session before Summer break and Harvest, the toddler group has its meeting in St. Nicholas Church which has proved very popular.
If you would like any more information, please contact:
Helen Commander Tel: 01580 240658, Email: Helen Commander
Or just drop in to see us. You wil be very welcome.

Every Wednesday, in term time only.

Wednesday 19th March - Fun Chicago Bridge Afternoon at the Mission Church

for 3 hours, 20 mins
The Mission Church, Sandhurst (Kent)
The Mission Church, Sandhurst (Kent), Back Road Sandhurst, Kent TN18 5JU, TN18 5JU, United Kingdom

In aid of St Nicholas Church. 1.40 for 2pm start, play will finish at 5pm. Tea, delicious cakes prizes and a raffle Tables of four £24.
Please bring your own bridge cloth, cards, pencils and bidding boxes, if you have them
To book tables or for further information contact AnneTylden-Wright 01580 850281 or [email protected]

Starting 12th March - at 7.30 pm. Lent Course at the Mission Church 'A Pilgrimage Through Prayer'

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Mission Church, Sandhurst (Kent)
The Mission Church, Sandhurst (Kent), Back Road Sandhurst, Kent TN18 5JU, TN18 5JU, United Kingdom

Led by Lyn Hayes. For more information please email [email protected]. All welcome.

'CONNECT FOUR' - Saturday 1st March, 4 pm at Sandhurst Mission Church

Monthly. Every Fourth Saturday at for 1 hour
The Mission Church, Sandhurst (Kent)
The Mission Church, Sandhurst (Kent), Back Road Sandhurst, Kent TN18 5JU, TN18 5JU, United Kingdom

This is our monthly service for all the family. Please come along for craft, cake, worship, singing and friendship. Everyone is very welcome. (Please note, this is February's meeting, deferred to 1st March due to the half term holiday.)

10 am - Sunday 23rd March - Sung Eucharist at St Nicholas

Sunday 23 March 2025 at for 1 hour
St Nicholas Church, Sandhurst (Kent)
St Nicholas Church, Sandhurst (Kent), Church Road off Bodiam Road SANDHURST Kent TN18 5NS, TN18 5NS, United Kingdom

led by Lyn Hayes & Revd David Commander

10 am - Sunday 30th March - MOTHERING SUNDAY service at St Nicholas

Sunday 30 March 2025, Sunday 30 March 2025, Sunday 30 March 2025 at for 1 hour
St Nicholas Church, Sandhurst (Kent)
St Nicholas Church, Sandhurst (Kent), Church Road off Bodiam Road SANDHURST Kent TN18 5NS, TN18 5NS, United Kingdom

led by Lyn Hayes & Revd David Commander

St Nicholas APM & APCM - Monday 28th April - 7pm at the Mission Church

for 2 hours
The Mission Church, Sandhurst (Kent)
The Mission Church, Sandhurst (Kent), Back Road Sandhurst, Kent TN18 5JU, TN18 5JU, United Kingdom

St Nicholas Church - Annual Parochial Meeting & Annual Parochial Church Meeting
at the Mission Church

St Nicholas APM & APCM - Monday 28th April - 7pm at the Mission Church

for 2 hours
The Mission Church, Sandhurst (Kent)
The Mission Church, Sandhurst (Kent), Back Road Sandhurst, Kent TN18 5JU, TN18 5JU, United Kingdom

St Nicholas Church - Annual Parochial Meeting & Annual Parochial Church Meeting
at the Mission Church

7.30 pm - ASH WEDNESDAY - 5th March Benefice Ashing Service at St George's

Wednesday 05 March 2025 at for 1 hour
Benenden, St George
Benenden, St George, The Green Benenden Cranbrook Kent, TN17 4DL, United Kingdom

led by Revd David Commander & Revd Ylva Blid-Mackenzie

10 am - Sunday 9th March- Holy Commuion at St Nicholas

Sunday 09 March 2025 at for 1 hour
St Nicholas Church, Sandhurst (Kent)
St Nicholas Church, Sandhurst (Kent), Church Road off Bodiam Road SANDHURST Kent TN18 5NS, TN18 5NS, United Kingdom

led by Lyn Hayes & Revd David Commander

8 am - Sunday 2nd March- 1662 BCP Holy Communion at St Nicholas

Sunday 02 March 2025 at for 1 hour
St Nicholas Church, Sandhurst (Kent)
St Nicholas Church, Sandhurst (Kent), Church Road off Bodiam Road SANDHURST Kent TN18 5NS, TN18 5NS, United Kingdom

led by Revd David Commander

8 am - Sunday 16th March- 1662 BCP Holy Communion at St Nicholas

Sunday 09 March 2025 at for 1 hour
St Nicholas Church, Sandhurst (Kent)
St Nicholas Church, Sandhurst (Kent), Church Road off Bodiam Road SANDHURST Kent TN18 5NS, TN18 5NS, United Kingdom

led by Revd David Commander