Reflection: Sunday 5th and for the week ahead:Scripture:‘Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.’ (Matthew 13:52)Reflection:Thinking about kingdoms… Jesus talked about the ‘kingdom of heaven’ developing silently like yeast in flour, ripening like crops from seeds, waiting to be discovered like buried treasure, the perfect pearl, the pick of the fisherman’s catch. His parables all draw on everyday life, things familiar to people of any age anywhere in any time - 'what is old'. What was new to his hearers was his use of them to say that what is ‘heavenly’ is not wishful thinking about life somewhere else (up there or out there), but can be here and now. If we knead the dough, look below the surface, search for what we most long for, select only the best of what gets caught in our nets… David Harmsworth
Reflection: Sunday 29th May and for the week ahead:Scripture:'A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will remove from your body the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my spirit within you, and make you follow my statutes and be careful to observe my ordinances. Then you shall live in the land that I gave to your ancestors; and you shall be my people, and I will be your God.' (Ezekiel 36:26-28)Reflection:A heart of stone. An evocative picture, explaining in a few words a condition from which many suffer; a lack of empathy and love. A lack of care. It also sounds jolly uncomfortable.God promises to remove this our heart of stone and replace it with a real, living heart, beating and bleeding, full of feeling. This can be no less uncomfortable, but it will be discomfort for a purpose, like when one goes through pain to give birth to children. When God gets to work on us, we feel the constant pressure of our heart expanding to encompass ever more of the world’s needs, of others’ pain, of care for the whole of creation. But it mustn’t end there. God’s Spirit compels us to act, to be hands, feet and heart for ‘the Living One’, reaching out to others on God’s behalf. When we do, we will be ‘God’s people’ and at home with the Lord, just like our Queen is and always has been. We praise God for her and give thanks for the example of service she has set throughout her reign!Revd Ylva
Weekly news and services for the Benefice of Benenden & Sandhurst, Kent.Sunday Services: Sunday 29th May8 am BENEFICE HOLY COMMUNION AT ST NICHOLAS10am BENEFICE HOLY COMMUNION AT ST GEORGE'S, BENENDEN
Reflection: Sunday 22nd May and for the week ahead:Scripture:The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. (John 14:26-27)Reflection:Jesus says to them, “Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” Easier said than done – for us human beings who let our minds wander and dream up all sorts of scenarios to be worried about! Maybe that’s why Jesus said this….because he knows each of us so well. To give us continued reassurance he promises that God will send the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will “teach you everything”; the Holy Spirit will “remind you of all that I have said”.And what was at the centre of Jesus’ teaching? “Love the Lord your God; and love your neighbour as yourself.” Not a bad thing to be reminded of by Jesus and by the Holy Spirit this coming week. Not only will you experience peace as you remember and practice this, you will also share that peace with others.Revd David