Scripture: 3This is the one of whom the prophet Isaiah spoke when he said, ‘The voice of one crying out in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” ’ 8Bear fruit worthy of repentance. (Matthew 3:3&8)Reflection:Here is John the Baptist, that “wild” prophet, doing his (Advent) preparation work for God! Doing his bit in proclaiming the good news.This week we have heard that the last Census says that for the first time less than 50% of people identify as being Christian in this country. On the one hand, that news can make believers quite despondent. On the other hand, it presents an opportunity and a challenge for everyone who professes to believe. We have an opportunity this Advent and Christmas to show people that faith - the Christian faith – and that God makes a difference in our lives. And that God can make a difference in everyone’s life.How? Firstly, hear the words of John the Baptist speaking to you, “Bear fruit worthy of repentance.” (That means putting your faith into action!)Secondly, pray…. Speak. Ask. Listen. Hear the answer….and then Act as God calls you to! And enjoy Advent; this time of preparation. Show others you enjoy being a Christian. That can work wonders!!!Revd David
Scripture: ‘Jesus said: ‘About that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father’’ (Matthew 24.36)Reflection:A man used to stand outside Victoria Station carrying a large placard with the words ‘REPENT, FOR THE END IS NIGH’. Nobody seemed to take him very seriously, and why should they, when Jesus himself said nobody except God knew when the world would end?But Jesus also made clear that we should not be unprepared either for the end of the world, or indeed our own death. Advent, the four week period before Christmas, is a time to reflect on our lives in the light of eternity; to ‘repent’, which actually means to change direction. To consider where we are in life and where we are heading. If necessary to re-programme our spiritual Satnav. ‘Be prepared’ is a perfect motto for Advent - and not only in terms of Christmas shopping! Revd Rosemary Kobus van Wengen