Daily Scripture1 Sing to the Lord a new song;sing to the Lord, all the earth.2 Sing to the Lord and bless his name;tell out his salvation from day to day. (Psalm 96:1-2)Daily ReflectionSinging, the thing we long for now, perhaps more than ever! It is not until something is taken away from us, or temporarily suspended in this case, that we really understand what it means to us, how much we love it and how necessary it is. Singing, whether in the shower, on stage or in church, brings us alive. We feel our spirit soar and our mood lift and we can feel united, both with others and with something higher, which some of us will name as the Lord.Soon we shall surely once again be allowed to sing together with others, and not just on a screen, but for real, with real people. Never again will we take this wonderful experience and expression of the human spirit for granted, having glimpsed a world without it. Revd Ylva
Daily ScriptureBeloved, we are children of God now, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. But we know that when Christ appears we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. (1 John 3.1,2)Daily ReflectionWhen, in the Creed, we proclaim our belief in ‘the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting’ do we ever wonder what that resurrected life will be like? As John says, we cannot know. But is certain that we are not heading for some sort of disembodied immortality, which would hardly be grounds for the joyful expectation of eternal life which is at the very core of our faith. Paul speaks of the release from our ‘corruptible’ bodies, subject to aging, pain and sickness, into a new body, imperishable and free of corruption.What will this be like? We do not know.But what we do know, says John, that now, in this life, we are children of the Father whose loving care surrounds us both in this world and the next.Thanks be to God!Revd Rosemary
6.15am Sunrise Service at St Nicholas led by Lyn Hayes & Revd David Commander8am Holy Communion at St Nicholas led by Lyn Hayes & Revd David Commander10am Holy Communion at St George's led by Revd David Commander & Revd Ylva Blid-Mackenzie