Sunday 1st May - Weekly Scripture & Reflection

Notices From_the_Vicar

Scripture & Reflection: Sunday 24th April and for the Week ahead:


‘I have come that they (you) might have life, and have it abundantly.’ (John 10 v 10)


This verse comes in the middle of a story about sheep…. Jesus describes himself as the gate of the sheep pen, the way through which the sheep both go in to safety, and go out to graze on rich grass, carefully watched and protected. Jesus also calls Himself the good shepherd, the one who would lay down his life for his sheep. Here is a picture of the abundant life Jesus describes above, that can only be found in a relationship with Him. A stronghold of safety and protection; true freedom to experience the richness and beauty of God’s creation, and a place to dwell in love when all is done. Is this the life you have now…or is this the life you hope for? All hope is found in Jesus.

Vicki Young