Reflection - Sunday 9th January and for the Week Ahead

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Epiphany: The Wise Men

As with gladness men of old did the shining star behold,

As with joy they hailed its light, leading onward, beaming bright,

So, most gracious God may we evermore be led to thee


It’s fascinating to learn of the different ways God makes himself known. I don’t know of anyone else guided to God by a star, but then stars were what these magi, or wise men, knew about. They were astrologers, whose whole business was the study of the firmament, so it’s hardly surprising that this was God’s way of communicating with them.

I have a friend who found God while birdwatching on Romney Marsh. Another came to faith through the miracle of his son’s birth. Some find God through the contagious faith of friends; some through scripture, music, art, sport, science, grief or joy.

For God there is no ‘one size fits all’. He speaks to each of us in our own situation, in ways we understand.

Lord, open our eyes and our ears that we, too, may be ‘led to thee

Revd Rosemary