Daily Scripture
Your word is a lantern to my feet and a light upon my path. (Psalm 119:105)
Daily Reflection
This is one of those beautifully simple images portrayed in the Psalms, in fact, in the whole Bible. The lantern is something that is held, and provides light immediately at your feet so you see obstacles before tripping over them and fall flat on your face. The “light” shows us the path that we should be taking; it guides us in the right direction. There’s no point walking off with your lantern, confident of not falling over….. but going completely the wrong direction!
Q. What is it that provides this guidance and this security? A. “Your word”, the psalmist says. God’s word. The scriptures! Pick up your Bible; hold it; read it; use it. Don’t leave your “lantern”, your “light”, covered up.
Revd David