Scripture & Reflection - Sunday 15th October and for the week ahead:

Notices From_the_Vicar


Then Jesus went through the town and village teaching, as he made his way to Jerusalem. Someone asked Him, 'Lord, will only a few be saved'? He said, 'Strive to enter through the narrow door, for many, I tell you will try to enter and will not be able'. (Luke 13 - 22-24)


Regardless of the view of some negative spiritualities, the gates of heaven are open to everyone. This is not a verse that says unless we are 'Christians' there is no hope for us in what comes after! Far from it. Jesus did not come to show us a set of rules that we must stick to - rather a lifestyle, a way of living, that will enable us and others to get the very best out of life right now. Jesus said 'Follow Me, and live', not 'obey me, or else'. Follow Him through the narrow gate - when the world is at war, we do our best to be at peace with those around us; when the world pulls people down, we do our best to lift them up; when the world judges and ostracises, we stand in solidarity with the oppressed and the down-trodden to bring hope and show love.

Do not be afraid of going against the tide of the world. Jesus' entire life encompassed just that - in the ancient world he was a rebel and a misfit who brought a message of love and hope to a world that had power and judgment at its heart. Enter through the narrow door, and change your corner of the world, one small act of love and kindness at a time.

Vicki Young