About Us


The 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month:  8 am, Holy Communion  - A quiet, prayerful, traditional service.

Every 2nd Sunday of the month: 10 am, Holy Communion 

Every 4th Sunday of the month: 10 am, Sung Eucharist

A 5th Sunday of the month * 8 am and 10 am Common Worship Eucharist services.  These alternate within the Benefice between between St Nicholas, Sandhurst and St George’s, Benenden.  Please see see listing on this website for venue.

Choral Evensong - the 1st Sunday of every month  5pm, at St George’s, Benenden

Children and families are welcome at all services.

'CONNECT FOUR - A service for ALL the family with worship, craft and cake:  the 3rd Saturday of every month, 4 pm at the Mission Church, Back Road, Sandhurst TN18 5JU

Every Tuesday: 10 am: Holy Communion at the Mission Church, Back Road, Sandhurst TN18 5JU

Morning Prayer is held at 8 am on a Tuesday and Wednesday at the Mission Church in Sandhurst and on a Monday and Friday at St George’s Benenden.

Every Wednesday in term time there is a Drop-in Café from 9 to 11 am in the Mission Church with a Toddler Group. Books, toys and activities for babies and toddlers - and refreshments and cake for their parents and carers!

The 1st Sunday of every month: 5 pm, Choral Evensong at St George’s, Benenden