These are Lent & Easter events this year.

Cross Purpose: Jesus Meets His Mother

for 30 mins
St. Mildred’s Tenterden
Church Road, High Street Tenterden Kent, TN306AR, United Kingdom

Join us as we journey through lent with this series of short reflective services, each morning edition being followed by a light breakfast. The services will take place in churches throughout our parishes. Whether you are able to attend all instalments of this series or not, we hope to welcome you to be a part of this journey through lent and passiontide as we anticipate the great festival of Easter.

Cross Purpose: Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry the Cross

for 30 mins
St. Mildred’s Tenterden
Church Road, High Street Tenterden Kent, TN306AR, United Kingdom

Join us as we journey through lent with this series of short reflective services, each morning edition being followed by a light breakfast. The services will take place in churches throughout our parishes. Whether you are able to attend all instalments of this series or not, we hope to welcome you to be a part of this journey through lent and passiontide as we anticipate the great festival of Easter.

Cross Purpose: Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem

for 30 mins
St Peter & St Paul, Appledore
The Street Appledore, TN262DB, United Kingdom

Join us as we journey through lent with this series of short reflective services, each morning edition being followed by a light breakfast. The services will take place in churches throughout our parishes. Whether you are able to attend all instalments of this series or not, we hope to welcome you to be a part of this journey through lent and passiontide as we anticipate the great festival of Easter.

Holy Communion for Palm Sunday with Procession

for 1 hour
St. Mary the Virgin, Rolvenden
Church of St. Mary the Virgin Rolvenden Cranbrook Kent, TN17 4ND, United Kingdom

This is a contemplative service with celebration of the Lord’s Supper using traditional language. This service has no hymns.

Cross Purpose: Jesus is Stripped of His Garments

for 30 mins
St Peter & St Paul, Appledore
The Street Appledore, TN262DB, United Kingdom

Join us as we journey through lent with this series of short reflective services, each morning edition being followed by a light breakfast. The services will take place in churches throughout our parishes. Whether you are able to attend all instalments of this series or not, we hope to welcome you to be a part of this journey through lent and passiontide as we anticipate the great festival of Easter.

Cross Purpose: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross

for 30 mins
St Peter & St Paul, Appledore
The Street Appledore, TN262DB, United Kingdom

Join us as we journey through lent with this series of short reflective services, each morning edition being followed by a light breakfast. The services will take place in churches throughout our parishes. Whether you are able to attend all instalments of this series or not, we hope to welcome you to be a part of this journey through lent and passiontide as we anticipate the great festival of Easter.

Cross Purpose: Jesus Dies on the Cross

for 30 mins
St Peter & St Paul, Appledore
The Street Appledore, TN262DB, United Kingdom

Join us as we journey through lent with this series of short reflective services, each morning edition being followed by a light breakfast. The services will take place in churches throughout our parishes. Whether you are able to attend all instalments of this series or not, we hope to welcome you to be a part of this journey through lent and passiontide as we anticipate the great festival of Easter.

The Liturgy of the Last Supper and Vigil

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St. Mary the Virgin, Rolvenden
Church of St. Mary the Virgin Rolvenden Cranbrook Kent, TN17 4ND, United Kingdom

A Service reflecting the meal Jesus shared with his disciples with a time to reflect on the night of His betrayal.

Cross Purpose: Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross

for 30 mins
St. Mildred’s Church Hall
Church Road, Tenterden, TN30 6AT, United Kingdom

Join us as we journey through lent with this series of short reflective services, each morning edition being followed by a light breakfast. The services will take place in churches throughout our parishes. Whether you are able to attend all instalments of this series or not, we hope to welcome you to be a part of this journey through lent and passiontide as we anticipate the great festival of Easter.

A Service of Waiting and Expectation

for 1 hour
St. Mary the Virgin, Rolvenden
Church of St. Mary the Virgin Rolvenden Cranbrook Kent, TN17 4ND, United Kingdom

A contemplative, service reflecting upon the space between Christ's passion and resurrection.

Cross Purpose: Jesus is Buried in the Tomb

for 30 mins
St. Mildred’s Church Hall
Church Road, Tenterden, TN30 6AT, United Kingdom

Join us as we journey through lent with this series of short reflective services, each morning edition being followed by a light breakfast. The services will take place in churches throughout our parishes. Whether you are able to attend all instalments of this series or not, we hope to welcome you to be a part of this journey through lent and passiontide as we anticipate the great festival of Easter.

The Eucharist for Easter Day

for 1 hour
St. Mary the Virgin, Rolvenden
Church of St. Mary the Virgin Rolvenden Cranbrook Kent, TN17 4ND, United Kingdom

Celebrate the resurrection of Christ with this service of the Eucharist - a service of broad appeal incorporating a celebration of the Lord’s Supper. It uses contemporary language and includes hymns.