Scripture: 'Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.' Matthew 11:28-30ReflectionThere are fundamentally two types of people in the world, I reckon. Those who feel very keenly how BAD they are, and who try so hard to be good, or better, and who often don’t feel like they succeed very well, whatever others might think. Sometimes this leads them to make other people’s life a misery as well. Then there is another type of person, who feels that they are basically alright. They know deep in their heart that they are GOOD ENOUGH. These people also tend to make others feel the same. They spread good cheer!In which camp do you fall? Life-denying ascetic or good time boy or girl? Is your yoke easy and your burden light, or does your life feel like one long struggle? Wherever we start on that scale, Jesus wants us to come to him, to find rest and be refreshed. After that we will be ready to share his love with others, secure in the knowledge that we are loved.Revd Ylva
A Prayer:“… we rejoice in the gift of your presence among us, let the light of your love always shine in our hearts, your Spirit ever renew our lives, and your praises ever be on our lips.”Reflection:It has recently been my privilege, along with Vicki, to prepare some of our youngsters for their Confirmation. We are often too quick to “have a go” at youngsters, but hear some of the things they have said:“I would like to feel closer to God…and develop my faith.” “I wish to show the strength of my faith and belief in God.” “I enjoy being a Christian, it makes me happy.” “I would like to try and live my life in line with its [Christian] values.” “I am proud of my faith, it makes me feel safe.”We can learn a lot from our youngsters….if we take the time to sit and talk with them and listen to them! Please hold Serena, Kirah-Jane, Pip, Will and Cecilia in your prayers as they are confirmed today. Pray the prayer above: for the gift of God’s presence in their lives; that His love might shine in their hearts; that His Spirit will ever renew their lives; and that they continue to praise God all their lives.Revd David