Lent Course at the Mission Church, Sandhurst - 'In His Service' - led by Revd Rosemary

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This Lent we are looking to grow in our understanding of the ‘Liturgy’, the pattern of our worship offered day by day and week by week ‘in His service’. Many of us are so familiar with the words of our church services that we are in danger of reciting them without really thinking much about what we are hearing and saying. Others, newcomers to church, may find parts of the service quite hard to understand. ‘Liturgy’ actually means ‘the work of the people’. Not a spectator event, but something in which we all play our part.

In our Lent course we shall be looking at the service of The Eucharist (Holy Communion, The Lord’s Supper), hoping and expecting to discover in the familiar (or unfamiliar) words and actions new springs of meaning and inspiration. As we share our understanding, our thoughts and experiences, we look to grow in His service.

We meet in in the Mission Church, Back Road, Sandhurst TN18 5JU

at 7.30 pm

on Wednesdays March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th.

We look forward to seeing you there. Revd Rosemary