Sunday 12th June - Weekly Scripture & Reflection

Notices From_the_Vicar

Reflection: Sunday12th June and for the week ahead:


‘…since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (Romans 5.1)


This is the week of Trinity Sunday. The doctrine of the Trinity is a most bewildering attempt to describe the nature of God. But it’s an attempt also to describe our human experience. St Paul sent this letter long before church leaders tried to write a Creed – he wanted to encourage Christians who were struggling. What he says is that we do have access to God through and because of Jesus; and that this God of love is actually real to us because of what we feel in our hearts, in our inmost selves, when we feel love and concern. God is love, the love of our Father as he meets us in the Son and as we experience it in the Spirit. And so we find peace in our inner selves.

David Harmsworth