Daily Scripture & Reflection

From_the_Vicar Notices

Daily Scripture:

‘We wait in hope for the Lord;
he is our help and our shield.
In him our hearts rejoice,
for we trust in his holy name.
May your unfailing love be with us, Lord,
even as we put our hope in you.’
(Psalm 33 v 20 - 22)

Daily Reflection:

And still we wait - wait for the vaccine to be given out, wait for the R number to come down, wait for the hospitals to be back to normal, wait for our lives to get back to normal!

But wait we must, we cannot give up hope that this will all, at some time in the near future, come to an end and we will be able to return to some semblance of normality. In the meantime, we have the knowledge that God is with us, He is our help and our shield - something that we need to hold on to in these very dark days. God’s unfailing love will always be there - don’t give up hope - we just need to hang on in there for a little while longer.

Lyn Hayes, ALM