Weekly Scripture & Reflection - Sunday 11th June

Notices From_the_Vicar


‘Lord, my longings are sitting in plain sight, my groans an old story to you. My heart’s about to break, I’m a burned out case…..What I do, God, is wait for you, wait for my Lord, my God - you will answer!’ (Psalm 38 v 9& 10, 15) - (The Message translation)


In this world we live in of instant gratification, waiting for anything is not a popular pastime. It’s hard enough to wait for something we are looking forward to, but when the present is difficult and the future uncertain, waiting for a breakthrough is challenging. We look for things to ease our immediate pain - we don’t want to wait, we want to feel better - now.

There are many stories in the bible of people waiting for God to act, for life to change - 116 references in total. Abraham waited 25 years for the baby God promised him. The Israelites waited 40 years to enter the land God promised them. Get comfortable with waiting - it builds strength, character and faith. Your circumstances will not have taken God by surprise. In the space in between, rest, pray and trust. The Creator of the Universe is working all things out for the good of those who love Him. Of this, we can be certain.

Vicki Young