Get together to put a spring in your step.February FayreParish Hall, February 12th 10.30 to 12.
Over the weekend of September 18th and 19th we invite villagers to show off their produce and join with us in a service of celebration of creation and concern for climate change.Bring along your fruit and. Veg, jam and chutney, funny shaped veg or paper pictures celebrating creation on Saturday at 10am or just drop in and enjoy. The show on Saturday from 2.There is a cafe church service to celebrate creation starting at 10.30 for refreshments and 11 for the service on Sunday.
To commemorate the involvement of Westwell villagers in WWI we mapped out all the men from the roll of honour. We compiled brief biographies of each. The maps and information are in the north side chapel. We also created a poppy waterfall with one poppy for each inhabitant of the village, some 800 people.