Toddler Group

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Peter In Thanet
Church Street St Peter-in-Thanet Broadstairs, CT10 2TR, United Kingdom

A wonderful group for babies and toddlers (and their grown-ups too!)
We meet every Thursday from 9.30am-11am in the Main Hall (Term Time Only)

Sunday Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Peter In Thanet
Church Street St Peter-in-Thanet Broadstairs, CT10 2TR, United Kingdom

Our main weekly worship service, which on the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays is a service of Holy Communion, is a time for us to join together as a church family and worship. The children go out for their own groups, 'Children's Church' during the main part of the service.

Children's Church

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Peter In Thanet
Church Street St Peter-in-Thanet Broadstairs, CT10 2TR, United Kingdom

We have groups for Children and Young People every Sunday at St Peter's. During the main 9.30am service, our young people go out to learn about God with our team of leaders. Activities are suitable for all ages.

Open Church

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Peter In Thanet
Church Street St Peter-in-Thanet Broadstairs, CT10 2TR, United Kingdom

Our church building is open every Tuesday morning. Come in and enjoy the space, staying for a cuppa and a chat, or perhaps just a bit of peace and quiet.

Sunday Praise

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter In Thanet
Church Street St Peter-in-Thanet Broadstairs, CT10 2TR, United Kingdom

On the 2nd Sunday of each month, the whole church family stays together and we enjoy a relaxed and informal service together.

Bereavement Support Group

Monthly. Every Second Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Peter In Thanet
Church Street St Peter-in-Thanet Broadstairs, CT10 2TR, United Kingdom

Our Bereavement Support Group meets on the second Monday of the month (10.30am-12 noon) in the Main Hall for anyone who has lost a loved one.

Come and join us for support and shared experiences within a safe and welcoming group. For people of any faith or none. Everyone welcome!