Facilities and features
Baby Changing Facilities
Bike rack
Car Park / Parking Available
Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Assistance Dogs
Our Building
Fridays and Saturdays 2 - 4pm.
Silver Award
Cafe open Saturdays 2 - 4pm
Music and Worship
8 bells hung for change ringing. New learners and visiting ringers always welcome.
Excellent acoustics, small grand piano
Book of Common Prayer Services
Regular Choir
Worship band
Groups, Courses and Activities
Courses run at intervals throughout the year. See events for details.
Christians against Poverty
Community event
Debt advice
Meet on Thursdays
Street pastor
Help for Visitors
Guidebooks / Notes
Friday and Saturday 2 - 4pm.
Other Features
Products used in the Cafe are Fairtrade
Conservation Area
Hall for Hire
Prayers of Love and Faith