Mid Week Communion Service

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Martin-in-Herne
Herne Street, Herne Canterbury, CT6 7HN, United Kingdom

Mid week said Holy Communion service. at 9:15 am. We use Common Worship in the side chapel.

Early Sunday Communion

Every Sunday at
St Martin-in-Herne
Herne Street, Herne Canterbury, CT6 7HN, United Kingdom

This is a quiet said service of Holy Communion (Common Worship Order 2) in the Chancel. We are a friendly and small congregation at 8 am.

Main Sunday Service (Holy Communion OR Morning Worship)

Every First, Second, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Martin-in-Herne
Herne Street, Herne Canterbury, CT6 7HN, United Kingdom

Our Main Sunday Service is either Holy Communion (2nd and 4th Sunday) or a Service of Morning Worship (1st Sunday) with a band leading the music and children's craft activity. We follow Common Worship through the Church Seasons and provide easy-to-follow guidance to ensure our worship is accessible to all. Children may go out to their groups, if they wish, during the first hymn and they return at 'the sharing of The Peace'. (Childrens Groups run for ages 0 and upwards.) We are keen to increase ways that children can be involved in and understand worship. We are a friendly congregation: all are welcome to stay for refreshments afterwards.

Toddler Group in Herne Church Hall (formally known as The Institute Hall)

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
St Martin-in-Herne
Herne Street, Herne Canterbury, CT6 7HN, United Kingdom

Toddlers, babies and carers group: all are welcome.

Term Time Only

All Age Sunday Service

Every First Sunday at for 45 mins
St Martin-in-Herne
Herne Street, Herne Canterbury, CT6 7HN, United Kingdom

We are a friendly congregation where families, children and older people are represented. On the first Sunday we have an All Age service which is shorter and informal with a worship band and craft for children. Creche facilities are always available.

Holy Week Compline

Every day at for 45 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
St Martin-in-Herne
Herne Street, Herne Canterbury, CT6 7HN, United Kingdom

A service of compline for reflection in prayer in Holy Week.