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The Church car park is to the rear of the Church, access from a gate along Bagshill Road, just following the junction of Bagshill Road and Throwley Road.

Our Building

Stained Glass

Grade I listed building. The list entry from Historic England states:

Parish Church. C12, C13 north chapel, C14 south chapel, C15 nave arcades, restored 1866 and tower heightened. Flint and plain tiled roofs. Chancel, north and south chapels, nave and aisles, south tower and south porch. West doorway, C12, with attached shafts and 3 orders, the outer panelled with X's on circles, the centre roll moulded with the blocks offset and alternately projecting, the inner with more X's on circles, with 2 offset buttresses either side of doorway. South aisle with plinth, string course and parapet, 3 offset buttresses and C15 Perpendicular windows. South tower of 2 stages with square south-eastern stair turret and C16 moulded brick surround sundial. Water spouts on each corner in the 4 Evangelical symbols. Half-timbered C19 south porch, south doorway with rolled and double hollow chamfered surround, and outer surround with label and quatrefoil spandrels. North aisle under 1 roof with nave, with C15 fenestration, and C19 chimney to north west. North and south chapels with C14 cusped 'Y' tracery fenestration, with hollow chamfered and ogee drip moulds. Chancel east window C19 curvilinear style. Interior: 2 bay nave arcades, double hollow chamfered arches on octagonal piers. C12 single arches to north and south eastern bay, that to south recessed and double chamfered through tower wall. Barrel roof. Chamfered arch on corbels from south aisle to tower, itself with corbel table on south wall, and triple arch through to south chapel C19 chancel arch. Chancel with 2 bay double chamfered arcade to north chapel with octagonal capitals on round piers, and single double chamfered arch on round responds to south chapel. Fittings: hollow chamfered piscina and sedile in window reveal in chancel and cusped recess in north wall. C19 reredos and altar rail. Cusped piscina and four centred arched wall recess in south chapel. Choir stalls, some C19, the four on the south C15 with carved misericords. Monuments: south chapel C16 chest tomb, with shields in panelled sides, moulded plinth, lozenge-shaped flowers, fluting and frieze. Chest tomb, Sir George Sondes, Earl of Faversham, d.1677. Black marble with blank panelled sides. Inscription on the top panel (made 1728). Standing monument, Sir Thomas Sondes, died 1592. Marble tomb chest, gadrooned with achievements on side panels. Kneeling alabaster figures of knight and his Lady on opposite sides of central prayer desk, carrying inscription. Mary Sondes, died 1603. Smaller and identical to Sir Thomas Sonde's monument, with 2 adults and 2 infant sons and daughters on either side of sarcophagus. Misplaced scrolled and enriched carved achievement on floor to east of those monuments. Wall plaque, Captain Thomas Sondes, died 1668. Black and white marble, with draped apron, swagged and draped sides with military trophies. Broken segmental pediment with male bust. Signed W.S. (B.0.E. Kent II, p.477 suggests William Stanton).

North chapel C16 chest tomb, moulded plinth, panelled sides with shields (1 panel reset in south chapel south wall). Early C16 tomb recess with moulded jambs, with rope work, crenellated, with late Perpendicular motifs in spandrels, and tomb with 3 panelled recesses with 2 shields on each panel. Wall plaque, Charles Harris, d.1814, by Flaxman. White plaque on white background; dead soldier lifted from the grave by Victory, with palms and cannon in background. Statue, to George, first Lord Harris, life size soldier with sword and plans, on four foot plinth. By George Rennie, 1835. Nave, wall plaque, Stephen Bunce, d.1634. Black plaque on coved base and apron. Foliated sides. Scrolled nowy cornice and pediment with achievement. (See B.O.E. Kent II, 1983, 476-7.)

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