Autism Spectrum Church Service
- Occurring
- for 1 hour
- Venue
- St Mary of Charity
- Address Church Road, off East Street Faversham Kent, ME13 8GZ, United Kingdom
God made some of us autistic, and that's how He likes us.
This Autism Acceptance Month St Mary of Charity Faversham is holding a short service of words and music for autistic Christians led by autistic Christians.
The service will be at 2.30pm on Sunday, 6 April at St Mary of Charity Faversham. It will include two readings from the Bible, two hymns, a short talk, prayers and a piece of music.
Everything in the service will be written down for those who like to think visually or have things in advance. There will be clear symbols to show what is happening for those who prefer images. There will be pictures in advance of the church, the route to get to it, and the facilities we have available. Everyone will be free to take part in the service and come and go as they please.
This is explicitly not just a service for children. Autistic adults are an important part of God's church, some of them in leadership roles as priests, lay leaders or musicians. This service is for them, as well as all autistic Christians of all ages.
Autism is not a curse, or something to be feared or "cured". God made about 1 in every 50 people autistic. This service aims to give time and space for autistics to worship God in the ways that work for us.