Message from Rev Simon RowlandsOn the approach to Remembrance Day we find ourselves in lock down once again with the hope that further unnecessary deaths can be prevented within our community and nation. Many will find a second period of isolation exceptionally difficult and at this difficult time we again have been requested to shut our Church doors. That does not mean the ‘Church’ is closed simply the building. The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have requested us to spend this new time of lockdown in prayer.The Archbishops write:“May we as Christians express the hope we have and call for courage, calm and compassion. In one of the climactic passages of the New Testament, Paul says to those who follow Christ that their “love must be genuine, that they hate what is evil and hold fast to what is good.” He asks them to “serve the lord”, exhorting them to “rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers.” (See Romans 12.9-12.) None of this is easy. Especially not at the moment. But it is our calling.”Clearly as both a church and local community we can seek to support each other, and our worship of God will continue with services online. If you require support, private prayer or simply a person to talk to please contact 'the church' via the email or telephone 01795 530553Every blessing and peace.Rev Simon Rowlands(Vicar – The Benefice of Faversham)
Following Saturday's announcement of a new lockdown, St Mary of Charity is sadly having to suspend all services and private prayer in the building. The church will be closed until we are advised that we can legally open again and it is safe for us to hold services together.In the meantime, our Benefice services, which have been broadcast from the Benefice YouTube channel ( since the end of March/early April, will continue to be available. If you are aware of a friend or relative who is not online but would like to be able to see these weekly services, please email for further information.Although we are very sorry to have to take this step, the health and well-being of our congregation and the public are extremely important to us and it is essential for us to do everything we can to help protect each other. Please continue to follow the guidelines - maintain a good distance between yourself and anyone outside your household; wear a mask when in shops and enclosed public spaces and wash/sanitise your hands whenever you come into contact with anything outside.
Dear Church Family,I am pleased to tell you that The Benefice has started to re-open its church buildings.We shall be holding Holy Communion in rotation in our churches around The Benefice once a month. St Mary of Charity will be the second Sunday of the month therefore this coming Sunday, 12 July will be our first Eucharistic service, followed by the other Sundays of the month when we shall have All Age Worship and Morning Prayer. All these services will commence at 10 am.Church will also be open for private prayer weekly, commencing Wednesday, 15 July between 11 am and 2 pm - a volunteer will be available during that time. We will ask you to leave your name and contact details so that in the event of a visitor on the same day testing positive for Covid-19, we will be able to trace anyone else who has been in the building. Your details will be kept for 21 days and will not be shared or passed on to any third parties.We shall need to implement a booking system for our main services, so could I ask you in the first instance to let me know if you will be joining us on Sunday, 12 July, also if you are a single person joining or how many there will be in your "bubble."There will be social distancing children’s work available, do join us. Following this first week I shall be in touch hopefully with an online system for future bookings. We are very privileged to have the facility for an overspill TV screen.Please email to book your place.Looking forward to seeing you all,Every Blessing, Miranda Ford (Churchwarden)
We are, as of 16 March 2020, still holding our regular services. However, some of the church's activities have been suspended. There is no Parish Lunch (monthly on the third Wendesday of the month) until further notice. Little Fishes, which runs on a Thursday morning from 10 am until 11.30 am, has been suspended until after Easter, at which time we will review the situation. The National Council of Churches have advised that:We wash our hands on arriving at the church, and on leaving.We do not have physical contact when sharing the peace.We stand to take Communion.We have Communion in one form only - the host - and the priest leading the service will have the bread and the wine.Collection is a retiring collection only, the plate will not be passed among the congregation.There should be no refreshments served following the service.St Mary of Charity will be following these recommendations, and will be adopting any updates. We will have the portable sink available for worshipers to use on arriving and leaving the church.