Works begin at St Mary of Charity...

The new WCs (one of which will be fully accessible) and kitchen facilities - which many people thought might never happen - are happening. The first stage of the works, which will involve relocation of wall memorials, the Victorian font and alterations to the electrical installation on the north-west wall of the nave (which will include installation of emergency lighting) started on 25 June.  The new kitchen which will be sited in the north-west corner of the north transept also has the wall monuments being re-sited as appropriate.

Although we hope to have the buildng open to the public as much as possible, it may be necessary to close the building at times during while the works are being carried out.

The Wednesday morning Communions will take place at St Catherine's church for the duration of the works so that there are as few delays to the project as possible (this means that St Catherine's will have alternating Tuesday and Wednesday morning services until early December).

The monthly parish lunch will be in the United Reform Church, Preston Street (there is no parish lunch in August).  However, the sign-up form will still be at the west end of the nave in St Mary of Charity, so don't worry that you will have to try to find this in the URC's cavernous interior!

Little Fishes (the popular Thursday morning pre-school group) will also need to be held elsewhere - on 27 June the sports day will be in the church as originally planned; the following week sees the Fishes swimming in the swing park at the Rec.  We will be putting the temporary location in the pew sheets and on the Facebook page, plus the church's website, once the new site is confirmed.  Of course, Little Fishes doesn't run during the school holidays (from after 11 July until 12 September), so it's not such a problem through the summer.  

The Vicar and Churchwardens would like to thank everyone for their help and donations over the years. Many of the congregation certainly have been in this for the long-haul!

If anyone is worried that they might suffer withdrawal symptoms for lack of something to fund-raise for, any donations towards new chairs would be most welcome. The red chairs have put in several decades' service but are looking very much the worse for wear.